3rd Annual July 1 Cape Breton trip
Well we took our 3rd consecutive July 1st trip to Cape Breton and had a blast as usual. We went to the beach after lunch, had supper, and then light a campfire, followed by sleep. Here are the pics to tell the story:

My tent. I decided to rough it for a change... I roughed it with an air mattress

This will be a future raging fire tonight.

This is how the rocks were collected for the fire. In the two previous years Jonathan and me collected the rocks from the nearby bank. Oddly enough the rocks were no-where to be found the following year both times... anyhow, John and Jonathan used a four-wheeler to collect rocks from more remote locations.

The gang from a distance

Yup, we are in the middle of no-where... no offense to the locals intended. It's actually quite peaceful.

Everybody ready to party.
Top (L to R): Alexie, Jonathan, Katie, John
Bottom: Amy and Richie

Is your Air mattress too big for your tent Richie???
Although the air mattress looks too big it isn't. It actually fit like a glove. Richie deflated it a bit and then re-inflated it in the tent.

A chipmunk friend

Our Arson... er... fire-starting expert Jonathan

Our "Manager in charge of igniting combustible materials for the purpose of providing heat" at work. Good warm fire Jonathan

Me by the fire.

John by the fire

We played some Frisbee... nice catch Rich

Us around the fire.

When we went out to fetch some more wood for the fire Richie found a long, big stick. He mentioned how it looked like a Shepard stick and so he took it for his personal use.

The fire turned into a raging inferno!

It's Cigar time! They are all standard cigar pics, except that Richie is in the second pic, but is hidden because he is behind John and the girls aren't actually smoking.

Our fearless Shepard now with headlight accessory.
Day 2 in Cape Breton