3rd Annual July 1 Cape Breton trip
On day 2 we went fishing, had lunch and changed a flat tire. I only have the fishing pics up. Only the guys went fishing.

John is all ready to go fishing

This is where we were headed to go fishing... down an old railroad line in the heart of rural Cape Breton. (Is there any other kind of CB?)

Yup, we are in the middle of nowhere.

We come across a bridge... and Water!

The river we will fish in

The ceremonial clashing of the rods.

The first catch of the day goes to Richie! Although he found the fish already dead :p

A local beaver dam

Yup, the middle of nowhere... how many times have I said that?

And now to fishing

Richie's line got caught on something and he couldn't break the line free. The top of the rod eventually came off and went into the river with the line. At this point the top of the rod (which is still on the line) is at the bottom of the river. Not to fear, Jonathan came over to fix everything.

Richie getting bait

Richie helping Jonathan get his fish out of the river

The first real catch... not to put down Richie's hard fought catch.

Jonathan uses his last catch as bait to hook this prize winning fish! Although he was the only one who caught a fish, you'ld be surprised what turns up in a river...

John looks kind of disapointed. I don't blame him. He muttered something about the cat already drinking most of the beer, and the beer that the cat didn't drink was crappy old Busch... So he threw his catch back. What about the cat you say? Well him and Katie already have one and no-one else wanted one

My catch... I thought he was in Vancouver... Well he wasn't too happy about being caught so I threw him back. Much like the cat, no-one wanted to keep him :p