Beer Making 2!
Step 6:More Sanitization
Now that everything is washed, we must sanitize it. i just mixed some sanitizer up in a bowl, just to santitize the equipment... any equipment shown from this point forward is assumed to have been sanitized.

Now we just mix the sanitizer powder and water inside the carboy, fill it up halfway and roll it around some more. A quick tip to sanitizing the syphon hose is to just syphon out the sanitizer from the carboy, as depicted below. Now just wash down and sanitize the outside of the syphon hose and carboy with a cloth and sanitizer.

Step 7:Time to add the sugar
Now take your pail out of hiding and put it up someplace high. In reality I should have stored my pail in a high place all along. This is because all kinds of dirt that was in the original mix has sunk to the bottom and is no longer necessary. Moving the pail around too much unsettles the dirt at the bottom and leads to less clean beer. But this isn't a problem. Just store your carboy up somewhere.

Next we add the decrose. Some beer kits say to add sugar in the instructions, but trust me, you want to add decrose, it kind of looks like cocaine. You add this before you transfer the contents of the pail to the carboy. The beer in the pail will foam up quite a bit, don't worry, this is natural. Now just stir the sugar in gently... since the wimpy yeast doesn't like to be moved much. Use a giant plastic spoon to stir the beer around with. I don't know why it has to plastic, but it does.

Step 8:Transfer the contents
Make sure the pail is well above the carboy. Stick the syphon hose in the pail and start syphoning the beer in the pail so it drains into the carboy. Once in the carboy stick the airlock and bung in the carboy. You must now hide the carboy in a high, dark and cool place. For some reason the yeast feels the need to be cool now, but doesn't like light. You must keep it up high so that you can bottle the brew without disturbing the dirt at the bottm, which prevents you from having cloudy beer. I am also well aware that I look like I'm hiding a dead body in the basement.