Peggy's Cove
Recently Laura and I traveled out to Peggy's Cove to take a look around. We went out after work, so by the time we had before the sun went down was short. I'll let the pics tell the rest.

The trip out to Peggy's Cove was pretty pleasant... it was backcountry roads all the way. The sun was in our face a lot of the time, but there was little traffic... when all of a sudden we came across a construction zone... they were paving one side of the road. To begin with, when was the last time you saw a government worker work past 5pm? (If that long) Also notice that we were held up by the stop sign for the huge flow of traffic coming from the other side... good thing that we stopped and waited 5 mins for two bloody cars.

This meets our arrival at Peggy's Cove. Population 40?!?!?!?!?!... can you say inbreed?

The neat rocks at Peggy's Cove

The lighthouse at Peggy's Cove

Warning sign that is posted


Looking out to sea

Sunset at Peggy's Cove

Laura and I

Laura wandering around

Me... that jacket makes me look thin

This is a nice photo of the sunset with Laura's feet in the foreground. I really like this photo. She took it by lying down and pointing the camera at the horizon.

This is another photo by Laura... although she is still lying down, it looks like she is standing up and ready to jump. A neat photo.

A wave meeting the rocks

There was this neat rock that was sort of resting on two other rocks creating a gap underneath... this is Laura peeking out from the other side of the rock

Me being goofy at the gift shop

One last picture of the lighthouse before we left.

On our way out to the parking lot I noticed this dumpster. Nothing says come see beautiful Peggy’s Cove like a greasy dirty dumpster in the middle of your parking lot.