
This is a link to pics from Shawn and Catherine's wedding. Note, this link not used by permission. If I end up dead in a ditch you know why.

This site belongs to a freind of mine, he made the banner for my link. His site is worth going to. This website doesn't contain your standard website content. so go for a good time.
Select Smart
This site is the ultimate quiz site. You can waste hours doing quizzes without realizing it. This is where I got most of the quiz results from the "about me" section.
Big Cats Homepage
This site is dedicated to everything Big Cats. I don't visit here as much as I'ld like too, but they have some good stuff on Big Cats.
A different site
Want to live forever? Build your own UFO? Finally correctly interpret the Bible? Completely understand how the universe works? Learn what or who God is? Or just cure handicapped people (ie deaf and blind people). Well this site tells you how to do it!
I think this guy is a few bricks short of a load. He has some great theories and inventions... but I doubt any of them are plausible. But that's for you to decide. He believes in himself anyway, and as i always say... try to keep a an open mind.
Canadian Wildlife
I go here whenever I need a question answered about Canadian wildlife.
How to tie a tie
Ok Men this is it. A site that tells you how to tie a tie. This way you canwait until 5 mins before your shindig and still look professional! Requires some abstract thought.
These links take you to the Various sports leagues I attempt to follow.