Golf Pics!
This Page is so I don't have to send golf pics to four or five people and remember who has them and who doesn't. This golf course is in linacy NS, just outside of New Glasgow. It's a decent course with nice wide fairways, YAY! Personally I like this course because it's not crowded, it's cheap, and it doesn't have a dress code or snobbish looking people. These pics are not in any particular order, but the explanations should help.
This is a picture of John. Our resident pro, or at least the best golfer out of the bunch. The photo on the right shows him and his girlfriend Katie ready to tee off at the first hole.

This is the green of the first hole. Note the lack of sand on the green, unlike the Inverness golf course. Ritchie is standing in the green holding the flag. Ritchie is pretty good at golf by our standards.

This is a pic of the second hole from the tee off spot overlooking the hole. It's quite a drop down and the water hazard is pretty tricky to avoid despite its small size.

My cousin Christopher has a broken ankle. Therefore he's not supposed to walk the course. So we rented him a golf cart to drive our equipment around for us and to take some pics. The odd thing is that they rented him a golf cart with a cast on his driving foot. Yes a golf cart does not go fast, but he has a cast on his driving foot! the pic on the right shows the warning label. Common sense stuff like don't drink and drive, don't use drugs and drive, don't tip cart over, etc. You can't read the warning but it should say "do not operate with broken limbs"

This is the tee-off from the third hole. You go over the ditch and to the left. the hole is behind the trees. On a side note I hit the ball to the right and landed on the fairway of the eighth hole. I noticed that there was a bright yellow ball sitting there. So I hit it and kept going. But it wasn't my ball! It belonged to a woman who had just hit it there. She came down looking for her ball and couldn't understand where it had gone. Little did she know I mistook it for mine. What are the odds of two people using yellow golf balls under these circumstances?

This is the fourth hole from the tee-off location. Its only 200 yards downhill, so it's pretty easy.

This is Ritchie putting on the fourth hole. Go Ritchie.

This is John and Katie of the fifth hole fairway. John is practicing for his shot, before he shows off his mad skills.

This is the seventh hole from the fairway, halfway between the tee and the hole.

This is the group of us approaching the tee off. As you can see John has his game face on. He's in serious kick-ass mode now.

This is from the ninth hole overlooking the green of the eighth hole. We actually finished the hole but they decided to stick around and practice a bit.

This is the second hole from the vantage point of the ninth hole tee. The hill in the background on the right is the tee for the second hole.

This is a pic of everybody that went golfing that day. From left to right is: me, John, Ritchie, and Christopher.

This is a crater that Ritchie made in the green in the second hole. It may not appear to look that big, but it's massive. The ball never actually bounced, and the club head is used for comparison

this is Kevin and Ritchie at the driving range. This is how the whole golf thing started. Me, Ritchie, and John all worked for scotsburn at some point in our lives. Kevin was the milk driver we helped out. He took us golfing once and we got hooked.

This is a close up of Kevin

This is the first hole fairway with a decorative flower display spelling out the name "Linacy Greens"

This is me teeing off on the first hole. My drive went into the water hazard to the left in the background. I got off to a good start :P Christopher then felt the need to take a picture of where it landed, which is the pic on the right.

This is the sixth hole. My ball is in front of the tree. I couldn't hit it with the tree in the way. So I moved the ball a few feet :P

This is on the ninth hole. Christopher is sticking his tongue at the camera just for the hell of it.

Once again this is Ritchie putting. Go Ritchie! This time on the seventh hole.

This is me leaving the course victorious! I dropped my score (prepare to laugh) from back to back +26's down to a +15

Lastly but not leastly is a pic of the group of us. From left to right is: Ritchie, me, Christopher, and Kevin.