4th Annual Cape Breton Trip
Well we headed to cape Breton for our 4th annual Canada day getaway. this time we had three new additions. Shawn and his wife Catherine, as well as Maggie, the dog of Jonathan and Alexie. It was a smashing success. Shawn and Catherine added quite a bit to the trip as did the dog... sports become slightly more challenging with a dog... I think Maggie beat everybody at 500... if only she could bat.

This is my little girl saying good-bye

This is sweetie inspecting my gear. I thought she was going to take a leak on it.

This is my buddy... I had the same concern as I did with Sweetie, although more so... he has peed on my hockey net before while I was using it.

In Cape Breton... This is Shawn with his trophy. He won it for winning a race... in a video game. Why he took it with him remains a mystery.

These are my sleeping arrangements. I had a two person tent last year, but upgraded to a four person tent this year... A two-person tent didn't quite cut it last year.

This is our host John



After we set up shop we headed to the beach. This is one of the four beaches found in Inverness.

This is a random dog that followed us to the beach. It didn't care much for Maggie.

Close up of the beach.

Shawn and Catherine

Meeting of the dogs. Looks like a clip you might see in a movie.

There was a river feeding into the ocean. John and Katie brought an inflatable raft with them. They love the water so John jumped in and Katie helped steer.

This is John drifting out to sea.

Shawn wants into the boat. Shawn was kind of awkward when interacting with the boat. which you are about to see.

Shawn is wondering how to get in the boat.

Shawn vs. boat round 2... This is his second attempt to get in. He has assumed the doggy style position.

Shawn vs. boat round 3... The third time is a charm and he finally puts the boat down for the count. Although by this time so much water has gotten in the boat he has to get out drain the water from the boat and try a fourth attept.

Shawn making his way down the river.

Shawn suddenly realizes that he has no one to help him as the ocean fast approaches.

After realizing no one was going to come to his rescue he had to take matters into his own hands.

Katie's turn on the raft.

Shawn vs. Dog round 1... this round went to Maggie

This is the river that feeds into the beach.